中国科学技术大学本科生课程 :
中国科学技术大学研究生课程 :
- 《几何计算选讲》 (2024-2025 Autumn)
Undergraduate thesis
Master thesis
Doctoral thesis
Study Materials
【Topology Optimization】
How to start your topology optimization journey?
Topology optimization
Programming exercises
Numerical analysis (FEA & IGA)
High performance computing
How to do a good academic lecture?
How to write a research paper?
How to make smart research illustrations?
Useful summary
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Additive Manufacturing
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
ACM Transactions on Graphics
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Computer-Aided Design
The World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (every 2 years)
Siggraph / Siggraph Asia
Pacific Graphics (PG)
The Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM)
The Solid Modeling Association (SMA)
Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP)
Shape Modeling Iternational (SMI)